Wednesday, 28 December 2022

SCSH 1201: Reflective Journal

 WEEK 1:

First official meeting with Prof. Suhaimi venue at KICT cafe infront of mkitchen. Prof. explained to us about the course and the assignment needed to pass the course. We are required to do a project based on one of the SDG within the campus. As an introductory or boost startup for the course, Mkitchen has been open to be utilized by the students of the course with a total of around 80 students with several classes combined. Prof. Suhaimi sends off the students with the hope that the students could plan out the project that will be conducted while journaling the events happened throughout the commencement of the course as our report. By the end of the course, a video is to be prepared by the students based on the project that will be conducted as a presentation and memento for all the people that involved with the course. Surely, the course will be a memorable part of our study life.


Our second week was kickstarted with an event held by the IIBF of IIUM in partnership with KWSP, EPF and PERKESO. We were exposed about the importance of financial management especially for university students like us. Early exposure helps us plan early to secure our finances for the future through the practice of saving, investing and budgeting. It was an informational and enjoyable event for us. Soon after, we watched a recorded lecture pertaining Islam and its correlation with SDG. SDG is an integral part as well as it is also what is commanded for us to take care of our environment, our society, and our economic for the benefit of all. Sustainability is an obligation for us muslims; the khalifah and Ibad of this world because the resources in this world are prepared for us to utilize and manage with absolute just for the sake of maintaining the balance and life in this world. We will be applying our lessons on this chapter next week by visiting the Maryam lake and we will be doing some reflection and tasks at the venue.


Our third week, we learn about the relation between the Sustainable Development Goals and maqasid shariah. The session was conducted online due to our lecturer Prof Suhaimi has an important meeting to attend to. 

WEEK 4: 

We learned about the international stakeholders and the global efforts in Sustainable  Development Goals. Our lesson was via recorded lecture.


Prof elaborated on the international sustainable development. Prof asked on our progress in our project proposal. We discussed to go for charity and food bank.


Our session today is about how the universities can contribute to sustainable development agenda. Prof asked the students on their opinion on this and the current situation in their homeplace. Learning for sustainability is about thinking, soul and others. Knowledge skill attitude is principal in education. Integrate SD into our syllabus and propose mega projects consistently. Sustain what we have. Go back to our humanity. 


Challenges to Sustainable development in the social aspect, economic and environmental. There are some key challenges to achieveing sustainable development including instability, implementation and governance.


Roles of instituition for Sustainable Development. It mentioned about SDG 17. Global Initiatives and regional teams are key stakeholders for SD. It also highlights the importance of mechanisms to ensure integration and policy coherence. Roles of local instituitions in achieving SDGS and individuals.


Field works on campus. Sustainable campus through green projects. Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF). Six common indicator for campus sustainability: setting infrastructure, energy and climate change, etc. Alternatives for a greener lifestyle via less paper, less plastic, reusable containers, reduce electric usage, herbs as alt medication and remedies. Donate clothes, books etc. Save water and energy to save funds and budget for other purposes like solving our countries debt. Cat shelter. Mental health. Dalil don't waste. WATER. ENERGY.  ZERO WASTE. WE HAVE RECYCLING STATION AND FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING PROJECTS. UNIRIDE ECOTOUR. GROUUND WATER CONCESSION. TREEVOLUTION.

WEEK 10:

We have our Quiz in week 10 on the lessons we have learned throughout the classes. The quiz was to be done within the class time 10a.m-12.p.m via online. Besides that, a recorded lecture was given to us which is on measurement, indices and indicators for sustainable development and SDG. We have sampling of alternative measures of economic and social well being which includes indexes. In Malaysia we have the Malaysian Syariah Index which measures the maqasid shariah. Human factors. Economic factors has GDP GNP and the like. CSSD indicators of SD. there are 4 types of indicators;context, input, process, impact. people, economy, societyb needs to hbe3 edeveloped. nature life suppory community needs to be sustained. 

WEEK 11:

From Disciplinary strength to transdisciplinary approach for sustainable development. We look at current issues and what are the dicipline to address the issues. We must try to synergize the disciplines in order to have a greater effect for sd. Transdiscipline can help solve complex issues. Sustainability science for sd. "The greatest enterprise pf the miind has always been and always will be the attempted linkage of the sciences and humanities" (Edward Wilson, 1999).

WEEK 12:

SD findings 1; Case studies of Sustainable Development-Application of Transdisciplinary Approach. Thursday, 19 January Usrah In Action. symposium. Malayan Tiger extinct. Indian Caste. Bhaivar Story highlighting the importance of education to eliminate poverty. Edward Wilson.

Friday, 2 September 2022


There are a lot of lessons learned throughout our journey in Usrah Budi 2 with our facilitator, br. Faris Khairy.

We learned about the importance of renewing our intentions (tajdid niat). We studied about the stories and lessons from surah al-kahfi. We realized about our true objective for existing in this world which is to do ibadah and pray to our God Almighty based from surah az-zhariyāt. We explored the hikmah of our 5 pillars of Islam particularly on our obligatory Ibadah; solāt, fasting, zakat & hajj. We learned about the characteristics of a successful mukmin from surah al-mukminūn. Finally, we learned about what and how to receive the sweetness of Faith (halawatul Iman).

There are so many other lessons I learned throughout this journey with this usrah budi 2 conducted by our naqib. I believe that we all as muslims should strive to do good in this world using all our tools and strengths and become a qudwah hasanah for the people around us, being a rahmatan lil alamin. Spreading goodness; enjoining good and forbidding wrong is our ticket to heaven. So as a conlucion, I hope that we all should strive to be good and share goodness all in the hopes of entering heaven together in the hereafter.

One final message: "Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you shall find Him with you."



Hikmah of fasting:
  1. Developing the quality of righteousness (taqwa)
  2. Self train against lust (nafs)
  3. Nurturing gratitude
  4. Strengthen silaturrahim
  5. Cultivating empathy
  6. Becoming a better muslim
  7. Give health benefits
  8. Promote modest behaviour
  9. Get closer to Allah s.w.t
  10. Cultivate patience


Poster on the manners and etiquettes of Da'wah



Week 1:

Taaruf session between members and course outline explaination by our Naqib Br. Faris Khairy. Renewal of Intentions (tajdid niat) for every single thing we do in life. "You are the best of Ummah" from surah ali imran.

Week 2:

We learned about the lessons in surah al-kahfi and the main stories contained within them. We must pray to God always and ask him directly for the problems in life. Tabayyun is important to identify the status of a rumor or story to prevent fitnah from spreading. Everything is from God and He governs everything. We learned about the hadith of three deeds that will never expire even after death: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous child who prays for him. We have to strive to be beneficial for people around us and spread goodness in order for us to achieve a good end. Finally, we must be consistent (istiqamah) in the little good things that we do because it is what God loves the most in order for us to achieve victory in the akhirah.

Week 3:

We are bound by laws the moment we live in this world. We must obey the laws of the world and most importantly the Laws of Allah. Our greatest objective in life is to do Ibadah to Allah. Allah created the Jinn and mankind noneother than to worship Him. It is a verse from surah adh-dhariyāt. Seeking knowledge is an obligation for all muslims. And sharing knowledge is a way to be beneficial to the people around us and spread goodness. Ibadah is everything that Allah loves us to do and it increase our taqwa. Spreading knowledge is Ibadah and thus, it is also a Jihad for us. We must do the best for our religion. And no matter what challenges we face in our life, always believe that everything has Hikmah and Allah has prepared a reward for it if we succeed. Usrah members are tasked to present on the hikmah of our obligatory Ibadaat in the five pillars of Islam.

Week 4:

We learned about the hikmah of prayers. We also learned about the hikmah of fasting. Both Ibadah have various hidden hikmah that we may or may not know. And most importantly, It has great affects and benefits for us by doing the ibadah including physical and spiritual benefits and many others. We have to be grateful with what we have. Appreciate the time that God gave us by filling it with goodness. The things that we do, ultimately determines our condition in the akhirah. Our success in this world and the hereafter is factored by our parents prayers. So we have to do good, take care, obey and pray for them always. Finally, Allah is the Best of planners.

Week 5:

We learned about the hikmah of zakat and Hajj. Both of the Ibadah have wonderful hikmah for its doers. Zakat purifies our soul. Hajj is a journey to find God and become closer to Him. For everything that we do, we must do with pure sincerity. Imam Yahya Ibn Kathir mentioned about learning and mastering intentions (niat) which should be more prioritized than the deed (amal). Because the intentions (niat) ultimately influence the outcomes. Sharing goodness is the pathway to heaven.

Week 6:

We learned about the lessons in surah al-mukminun which tells us about the characteristics of a successful mukmin. Everything that we do is an Ibadah. The rewards from the deeds that we do are our rations for the akhirah. Our ending is determined by what we always do. The first 10 verses immediately tells us about what a successful mukmin do. A mukmin is someone who is khusyu' in his prayers. One of the ways to attain khusyu' in prayer is by performing with pure tranquility and understanding the words we recite in the prayer. A mukmin shall also abstain from negligence and meaningless things. They would perform their zakat and they would protect their private parts, staying away from adultery (zina). There is a hadith mentioning about the 3 signs of a hypocrite (munafiq); when they speak they would lie, they break promises and they do not carry their responsibility as should. We should strive to be a successful mukmin in this world.

Week 7:

We learned about Halawatul Iman or the Sweetness in Faith. There is a hadith by Anas R.A telling us about the three things that if contain within a person, he will obtain Halawatul Iman; A mukmin that loves Allah and Rasul more than anything else, loving another for the sake of Allah, hating kufr as how we feared being thrown into Jahannam. We can show our love to our God and our prophet by following the sunnah of the prophet and obeying God's commands.  In the matters of loving another, we should put a limit and never break the limits further beyond the love towards Allah and his prophet. Finally, we can obtain halawatul iman when we abstain from al-kufr and disobedience. The ticket to heaven is obeying His commands and leave what He forbids. The final message from our naqib is to keep our prayers as it is the key to success and happiness and to always find the time for al-Quran as it is our True Guidance. Finally, is to take care of our parents and our responsibility as a child to our parents, being a muslim and mukmin, and a person living together with society. Keeping our duties as Ibad and Khalifah in this world governed by God.


Writer's Profile:

My name is Andrika Addin. Born as the third child among four siblings. Born and raised in the south state of Malaysia, Johor Darul Takzim. My favourite past time is consuming media, doing self investment, travelling and trying out new experiences. Currently a second year finance student in IIUM.

Carved a background of semi islamic school throughout my childhood and teenage phases which doesnt seperate religious aspect from our conventional education here in Malaysia. Being exposed to religion and sowing its values from an early age have really helped me in clearly identifying the lines between the good and the bad. In a way, it helped shaped me into what I am today. 

My favourite life quote that I hold on throughout my life is from a hadith I learned from a prominent figure of dakwah famous in religious television channel in Malaysia, which goes by as so; "Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you shall find Him with you." Narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi.

I hope that my journey here in IIUM, especially in this Usrah Budi 2 class conducted by Br. Faris Khairy will be a memorable experience that will make me become a better person in life that could give benefit for the people around me Insyallah.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022


Usrah Budi 1

Hopes & Reflections

There are a lot of lessons learned through our journey in Usrah Budi 1 with our facilitator, 
brother Syafiq Wong.

We learned about the virtues in Islam and our duties as a Muslim living in this world.

We shared and reflected about the challenges in life either as a student, as a family member, or as a person living in this world.

One particular lesson I learn is to always never give up on life. Sometimes we may feel down, we're heart broken, we're disappointed with a situation, we're tried, we're sad, stressed and a lot of other problems that weigh us down. 

It is okay to feel bad. But, for how long do we have to stay down? It is all depend on us.

We have the choice to make; either to put your face on the ground or to rise up and conquer!

"Never give up from God's Grace!"

Because, it is He who put us in this life and wrote our story for us to play. 

Everything He plans for us is for our best. It is for us to learn from them and grow stronger and closer to Him.

Nothing is without purpose!

Have Faith in Him and leave the rest to God Almighty.

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Mahfudzot 2. Effort is the key to success



َمَنْ جَدَّ وَجَدَ وَمَنْ زَرَعَ حَصَد

Meaning: Who toils succeeds and who plants reaps


Nothing can be earn in this world simply through mere hope without any amount effort.

To learn, you must study. To eat, you must chew. And to succeed, you must put the effort.

If you want to make a change for yourself, you must put the initiative and take the steps needed and move forward.

Remember, there is no shortcut to success!

Hadith 40 Imam Nawawi - Hadith 2: Islam, Iman & Ihsan


Daripada Saiyidina 'Umar juga, r.a. beliau berkata:

Ketika kami sedang duduk di sisi Rasulullah SAW pada suatu hari, tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan kami seorang lelaki yang memakai pakaian yang sangat putih, berambut sangat hitam, yang tidak ternampak pada dirinya kesan-kesan tanda musafir dan tidak seorangpun di kalangan kami yang mengenalinya.  Lalu dia duduk menghampiri Nabi SAW lalu disandarkan kedua-dua lututnya ke lutut Baginda dan meletakkan dua tapak tangannya atas dua paha Baginda seraya berkata: Wahai Muhammad! Terangkan kepadaku tentang lslam. Lalu Rasulullah SAW bersabda: lslam itu bahawa engkau naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan bahawa Muhammad itu utusan Allah, (dan bahawa) engkau mendirikan sembahyang, mengeluarkan zakat, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan, menunaikan haji ke BaitulLah (Mekah) sekiranya engkau berkuasa mengerjakannya. Lelaki tersebut berkata: Benarlah engkau. Maka kamipun merasa hairan kepadanya, dia yang bertanya dia pula yang membenarkannya.  Dia bertanya: Terangkan kepadaku tentang lman. Baginda bersabda: (lman itu ialah) bahawa engkau percaya kepada Allah, para MalaikatNya, kitab-kitabNya, para RasulNya, hari Qiamat dan bahawa engkau percaya kepada Qadar baik dan buruk. Lelaki itu berkata: Benarlah engkau. Dia berkata lagi:Terangkanlah kepadaku tentang Ehsan. Baginda bersabda: Ehsan itu ialah bahawa engkau menyembah Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya. Sekiranya engkau tidak dapat melihatnya, maka sesungguhnya Dia melihatmu. Lelaki itu bertanya lagi: Terangkan kepadaku tentang Qiamat. Baginda bersabda: Orang yang ditanya tentang Qiamat tidaklah lebih mengetahui daripada orang yang bertanya. Lelaki itu berkata: Maka terangkanlah kepadaku tentang tanda-tandanya. Baginda bersabda: (Antara tandatandanya ialah) apabila seorang hamba perempuan melahirkan tuannya dan apabila engkau melihat orang-orang miskin yang berkaki ayam, tidak berpakaian dan papa kedana yang hanya menjadi pengembala kambing berlumba-lumba membina bangunan (iaitu bertukar menjadi kaya raya).  Kemudian lelaki itu berlalu, lalu aku terdiam sebentar. Kemudian Baginda bertanya: Wahai 'Umar! Adakah engkau tahu siapa lelaki yang bertanya itu? Aku berkata: Allah dan RasulNya lebih mengetahui. Baginda bersabda: Sesungguhnya dia adalah Malaikat Jibril yang datang kepada kamu untuk mengajar kamu tentang agama kamu.

Hadis riwayat al-lmam Muslim (Hadis riwayat Muslim, kitab al-iman, no: 9 dan 10, al-Tirmizi, kitab al-iman, no:2535, beliau berkata: hadis ini hasan shahih, al-Nasaa'ie, kitab al-iman, no: 4904, 4905, Abu Dawud, kitab al-sunnah,no:4075, Ibn Majah, kitab al-muqaddimah, no: 62 dan 63, Ahmad, musnad , no: 346).


Hadith ini juga dikenali sebagai hadith Jibril. Ianya menceritakan tentang persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh malaikat Jibril kepada Rasulullah s.a.w dan antara persoalan yang ditujukan ialah; soal Islam, Iman dan Ihsan yang menjadi tunjang kehidupan seorang muslim.

Terdapat lima rukun Islam yang menjadikan seseorang itu muslim dan antaranya mengucapkan dua kalimah shahadah, menunaikan solat lima waktu, menunaikan zakat, berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan, dan mengerjekan haji bagi yang berkemampuan.

Enam rukun Iman yang wajib diyakini untuk memperoleh iman yg sempurna adalah beriman kepada Allah taala, beriman kepada malaikat, beriman kepada kitab, beriman kepada rasul, beriman kepada hari Kiamat, dan beriman kepada Qada' dan Qadar.

Ihsan itu adalah sifat itqan dimana kita melakukan ibadah seolah-olah kita melihat Allah, sekiranya kita tidak dapat melihat Allah (dengan mata hati), sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa melihat kita.

Hadith ini juga menekankan tentang adab berguru dan menyampaikan ilmu, sepertimana adab yang ditunjukkan oleh malaikat Jibril ketika bertanya kepada Rasulullah. Ia juga menunjukkan adab sebagai seorang guru yang mana jika kita tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang jelas dalam sesuatu ilmu, maka berdiam itu lebih baik dan perlulah bertanya kepada yang lebih arif.

Hadith ini menceritakan tentang tanda-tanda kiamat yang sudah nyata berlaku di zaman kini dan menjadi kewajiban untuk kita melakukan persiapan yang secukupnya bagi menghadapi hari pengakhiran kita.

Tahap keimanan seseorang juga boleh diukur dengan spektrum penerapan tiga teras kehidupan kita iaitu Islam, Iman dan Ihsan itu sendiri. Dengan pengamalan rukun-rukun Islam, kita mencapai tahap pertama iaitu muslim. Dengan keimanan kepada rukun-rukun Iman, kita akan diangkat kepada golongan mukmin. Dan dengan sifat Ihsan, kita akan mencapai tahap tertinggi dan berada di dalam golongan muhsin.

Ketiga-tiga teras ini bukanlah dikotak-kotakkan bahkan ianya diperlukan, diamal dan dihayati secara serentak sesuai dengan agama Islam yang bersifat syumul (menyeluruh) dan kamil (lengkap).

Justeru, ianya merupakan tanggungjawab kepada kita untuk berusaha untuk mendirikan dan menjaga tiang-tiang agama ini (islam, iman, dan ihsan) demi menjadi seorang Ibad dan Khalifah yang diredhai Allah S.W.T serta menjadi insan rabbani yang menjadi sumber kebaikan kepada seluruh alam (rahmatan lil alamin).

Introduction to PAZ: Pemuda Akhir Zaman

The Land of Virtue & Knowledge

Assalamualaikum to my fellow readers.

It's been quite a while since the last entry.

To compensate for the long hiatus, I'll share a bit of myself & my current Journey :)

My name is Andrika Addin bin Abd Hamid, born and raised in Johor

and currently in my first year, second semester in IIUM (International Islamic University Malaysia).

Now studying under Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Science as an Islamic finance student.

And I like to travel & explore new places and enjoy new experiences as a hobby.

In true honesty, I finally managed to find the motivation and raison (this is in french btw) to

continue my entry writing because of Usrah Budi subject that is a requirement for IIUM students 

(if you study in IIUM, you will know). Thankfully this e-portfolio does not been left to dust :) 

Last but not least,

Hoping that my degree journey will have lots of memorable moments that I will

surely cherish throughout my life Insyallah!

(The next few entries will be available both in English & Bahasa Melayu.)