Friday, 2 September 2022


There are a lot of lessons learned throughout our journey in Usrah Budi 2 with our facilitator, br. Faris Khairy.

We learned about the importance of renewing our intentions (tajdid niat). We studied about the stories and lessons from surah al-kahfi. We realized about our true objective for existing in this world which is to do ibadah and pray to our God Almighty based from surah az-zhariyāt. We explored the hikmah of our 5 pillars of Islam particularly on our obligatory Ibadah; solāt, fasting, zakat & hajj. We learned about the characteristics of a successful mukmin from surah al-mukminūn. Finally, we learned about what and how to receive the sweetness of Faith (halawatul Iman).

There are so many other lessons I learned throughout this journey with this usrah budi 2 conducted by our naqib. I believe that we all as muslims should strive to do good in this world using all our tools and strengths and become a qudwah hasanah for the people around us, being a rahmatan lil alamin. Spreading goodness; enjoining good and forbidding wrong is our ticket to heaven. So as a conlucion, I hope that we all should strive to be good and share goodness all in the hopes of entering heaven together in the hereafter.

One final message: "Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you shall find Him with you."

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