First official meeting with Prof. Suhaimi venue at KICT cafe infront of mkitchen. Prof. explained to us about the course and the assignment needed to pass the course. We are required to do a project based on one of the SDG within the campus. As an introductory or boost startup for the course, Mkitchen has been open to be utilized by the students of the course with a total of around 80 students with several classes combined. Prof. Suhaimi sends off the students with the hope that the students could plan out the project that will be conducted while journaling the events happened throughout the commencement of the course as our report. By the end of the course, a video is to be prepared by the students based on the project that will be conducted as a presentation and memento for all the people that involved with the course. Surely, the course will be a memorable part of our study life.
Our second week was kickstarted with an event held by the IIBF of IIUM in partnership with KWSP, EPF and PERKESO. We were exposed about the importance of financial management especially for university students like us. Early exposure helps us plan early to secure our finances for the future through the practice of saving, investing and budgeting. It was an informational and enjoyable event for us. Soon after, we watched a recorded lecture pertaining Islam and its correlation with SDG. SDG is an integral part as well as it is also what is commanded for us to take care of our environment, our society, and our economic for the benefit of all. Sustainability is an obligation for us muslims; the khalifah and Ibad of this world because the resources in this world are prepared for us to utilize and manage with absolute just for the sake of maintaining the balance and life in this world. We will be applying our lessons on this chapter next week by visiting the Maryam lake and we will be doing some reflection and tasks at the venue.
Our third week, we learn about the relation between the Sustainable Development Goals and maqasid shariah. The session was conducted online due to our lecturer Prof Suhaimi has an important meeting to attend to.
We learned about the international stakeholders and the global efforts in Sustainable Development Goals. Our lesson was via recorded lecture.
Prof elaborated on the international sustainable development. Prof asked on our progress in our project proposal. We discussed to go for charity and food bank.
Our session today is about how the universities can contribute to sustainable development agenda. Prof asked the students on their opinion on this and the current situation in their homeplace. Learning for sustainability is about thinking, soul and others. Knowledge skill attitude is principal in education. Integrate SD into our syllabus and propose mega projects consistently. Sustain what we have. Go back to our humanity.
Challenges to Sustainable development in the social aspect, economic and environmental. There are some key challenges to achieveing sustainable development including instability, implementation and governance.
Roles of instituition for Sustainable Development. It mentioned about SDG 17. Global Initiatives and regional teams are key stakeholders for SD. It also highlights the importance of mechanisms to ensure integration and policy coherence. Roles of local instituitions in achieving SDGS and individuals.
Field works on campus. Sustainable campus through green projects. Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF). Six common indicator for campus sustainability: setting infrastructure, energy and climate change, etc. Alternatives for a greener lifestyle via less paper, less plastic, reusable containers, reduce electric usage, herbs as alt medication and remedies. Donate clothes, books etc. Save water and energy to save funds and budget for other purposes like solving our countries debt. Cat shelter. Mental health. Dalil don't waste. WATER. ENERGY. ZERO WASTE. WE HAVE RECYCLING STATION AND FOOD WASTE COMPOSTING PROJECTS. UNIRIDE ECOTOUR. GROUUND WATER CONCESSION. TREEVOLUTION.
WEEK 10:
We have our Quiz in week 10 on the lessons we have learned throughout the classes. The quiz was to be done within the class time 10a.m-12.p.m via online. Besides that, a recorded lecture was given to us which is on measurement, indices and indicators for sustainable development and SDG. We have sampling of alternative measures of economic and social well being which includes indexes. In Malaysia we have the Malaysian Syariah Index which measures the maqasid shariah. Human factors. Economic factors has GDP GNP and the like. CSSD indicators of SD. there are 4 types of indicators;context, input, process, impact. people, economy, societyb needs to hbe3 edeveloped. nature life suppory community needs to be sustained.
WEEK 11:
From Disciplinary strength to transdisciplinary approach for sustainable development. We look at current issues and what are the dicipline to address the issues. We must try to synergize the disciplines in order to have a greater effect for sd. Transdiscipline can help solve complex issues. Sustainability science for sd. "The greatest enterprise pf the miind has always been and always will be the attempted linkage of the sciences and humanities" (Edward Wilson, 1999).
WEEK 12:
SD findings 1; Case studies of Sustainable Development-Application of Transdisciplinary Approach. Thursday, 19 January Usrah In Action. symposium. Malayan Tiger extinct. Indian Caste. Bhaivar Story highlighting the importance of education to eliminate poverty. Edward Wilson.
Assalamualaikum, please request your friends to view and comment your blog. Thank you. Prof Suhaimi