Week 1:
Taaruf session between members and course outline explaination by our Naqib Br. Faris Khairy. Renewal of Intentions (tajdid niat) for every single thing we do in life. "You are the best of Ummah" from surah ali imran.
Week 2:
We learned about the lessons in surah al-kahfi and the main stories contained within them. We must pray to God always and ask him directly for the problems in life. Tabayyun is important to identify the status of a rumor or story to prevent fitnah from spreading. Everything is from God and He governs everything. We learned about the hadith of three deeds that will never expire even after death: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous child who prays for him. We have to strive to be beneficial for people around us and spread goodness in order for us to achieve a good end. Finally, we must be consistent (istiqamah) in the little good things that we do because it is what God loves the most in order for us to achieve victory in the akhirah.
Week 3:
We are bound by laws the moment we live in this world. We must obey the laws of the world and most importantly the Laws of Allah. Our greatest objective in life is to do Ibadah to Allah. Allah created the Jinn and mankind noneother than to worship Him. It is a verse from surah adh-dhariyāt. Seeking knowledge is an obligation for all muslims. And sharing knowledge is a way to be beneficial to the people around us and spread goodness. Ibadah is everything that Allah loves us to do and it increase our taqwa. Spreading knowledge is Ibadah and thus, it is also a Jihad for us. We must do the best for our religion. And no matter what challenges we face in our life, always believe that everything has Hikmah and Allah has prepared a reward for it if we succeed. Usrah members are tasked to present on the hikmah of our obligatory Ibadaat in the five pillars of Islam.
Week 4:
We learned about the hikmah of prayers. We also learned about the hikmah of fasting. Both Ibadah have various hidden hikmah that we may or may not know. And most importantly, It has great affects and benefits for us by doing the ibadah including physical and spiritual benefits and many others. We have to be grateful with what we have. Appreciate the time that God gave us by filling it with goodness. The things that we do, ultimately determines our condition in the akhirah. Our success in this world and the hereafter is factored by our parents prayers. So we have to do good, take care, obey and pray for them always. Finally, Allah is the Best of planners.
Week 5:
We learned about the hikmah of zakat and Hajj. Both of the Ibadah have wonderful hikmah for its doers. Zakat purifies our soul. Hajj is a journey to find God and become closer to Him. For everything that we do, we must do with pure sincerity. Imam Yahya Ibn Kathir mentioned about learning and mastering intentions (niat) which should be more prioritized than the deed (amal). Because the intentions (niat) ultimately influence the outcomes. Sharing goodness is the pathway to heaven.
Week 6:
We learned about the lessons in surah al-mukminun which tells us about the characteristics of a successful mukmin. Everything that we do is an Ibadah. The rewards from the deeds that we do are our rations for the akhirah. Our ending is determined by what we always do. The first 10 verses immediately tells us about what a successful mukmin do. A mukmin is someone who is khusyu' in his prayers. One of the ways to attain khusyu' in prayer is by performing with pure tranquility and understanding the words we recite in the prayer. A mukmin shall also abstain from negligence and meaningless things. They would perform their zakat and they would protect their private parts, staying away from adultery (zina). There is a hadith mentioning about the 3 signs of a hypocrite (munafiq); when they speak they would lie, they break promises and they do not carry their responsibility as should. We should strive to be a successful mukmin in this world.
Week 7:
We learned about Halawatul Iman or the Sweetness in Faith. There is a hadith by Anas R.A telling us about the three things that if contain within a person, he will obtain Halawatul Iman; A mukmin that loves Allah and Rasul more than anything else, loving another for the sake of Allah, hating kufr as how we feared being thrown into Jahannam. We can show our love to our God and our prophet by following the sunnah of the prophet and obeying God's commands. In the matters of loving another, we should put a limit and never break the limits further beyond the love towards Allah and his prophet. Finally, we can obtain halawatul iman when we abstain from al-kufr and disobedience. The ticket to heaven is obeying His commands and leave what He forbids. The final message from our naqib is to keep our prayers as it is the key to success and happiness and to always find the time for al-Quran as it is our True Guidance. Finally, is to take care of our parents and our responsibility as a child to our parents, being a muslim and mukmin, and a person living together with society. Keeping our duties as Ibad and Khalifah in this world governed by God.
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